Election Collection of Songs
in a video audition created Dec. 19, 2019,
for the Entertainment Committee of the DNC
Songs Performed
#132 “Grannies Stand for Peace and Justice”
#160 “Do You Hear Wisconsin Sing”
#38 “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”
#13 “Follow the Money”
#57A “Raging Granny Anti-Gun Chorus Line”
#127 “Climate Change”
#115 “If My Uterus Were a Gun”
#137 “Homelessness”
#122 “Voting Rights”
#162 “Kidneys for Tuition”
#61 “Go Ahead and Die”
#161 “DACA Dream Song”
#166 “Gun Control - Now! Now! Now!”
#150 “Get on Board With Black Lives Matter”
#135 “The More We Get Together”
#152 “Blame It on the First Amendment”
#154 “Down at the Polling Place”
#167 “These Are the Days My Friends”
The video (41 min.)
The words (pdf)
Hear and Read (in 3 parts)
Submittal letter