Grannies Stand for Peace & Justice
Tune: Glow Worm
Lyrics: Deborah Lofgren, inspired by Raging Grannies of Milwaukee

We are the raging, raging, grannies
We don't hide in nooks and crannies.
We stand up for peace and justice
Even when the po-lice bust us.
Join with the raging, raging grannies
Time to get up off your fannies
The world needs folks to take a stand
And that's why we are grans!

Do You Hear Wisconsin Sing?
Melody: Do You Hear the People Sing?
Lyrics: Sheila Plotkin for Raging Grannies of Madison

Do you hear Wisconsin sing?
This is the message that she sends
We are a people waking up
And we will not be fooled again.
We heard promises of wealth
Good-paying jobs were going to come
Corporate suits are doing great
While the farms / succumb.
Will you join in our campaign
Who will speak out and stand with me
Our mission is so clear, we need to save democracy
So join in the fight to insure that our country stays free
Do you hear the nation sing?
This is the message that she sends
We are a people waking up
And we will not be fooled again
He said he would drain the swamp
He hired crocodiles instead
Ethics are drowning in the muck
Competence is dead.
We will work for our ideals
Despite the pressure to retreat
Knowing that the threat is real, we will not lie down in defeat.
Our message will echo in chambers and out on the street! (raise fist)
Do you hear the nation sing?
This is the message that she sends
We are a people waking up
And we will not be fooled again
We have a nation to protect
We want corruption washed away
A President we can respect
From the very first day.
Our country’s soul is on the line
We can’t leave any task undone
Grannies are ready for this fight
We have just begun!
Grannies are ready for this fight
We have just begun!

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Tune: “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”
Lyrics © by Vicki Ryder (2010)

Did you ever wonder why our health care is in doubt,
Why rich folks have the Cadillac plans and poor folks go without,
Why all the news that’s fit to print is nothing but corporate lies?
It’s because… we’ve got the best democracy that ever money can buy.
Did you ever wonder why we keep on startin’ wars,
Why poor folks’ kids are sent to die while CEOs make more,
Why votes are counted up by those who sell the voting machines?
It’s because… we’ve got a corporaTOCracy – thanks to the Supremes.
Did you ever wonder who will run for office since
Supreme Court lifted limits – it really makes us wince.
The rich will buy the candidates, and if you wonder why,
It’s because… we’ve got the best democracy that ever money can buy.
Those with all the money now will run the whole damn show
And if we dare to disagree they’ll tell us where to go.
’Cause money buys elections, and that you can’t deny.
We’ve got the best democracy that ever money can buy.
(We wave dollar bills)

Follow the Money
Tune: Beer Barrel Polka
Original lyrics: Vicki Ryder, revised by Deborah Lofgren & Raging Grannies of Madison

Follow the money, to see why we go off to war
Follow the money, it’s not freedom we’re fighting for
Follow the money, profits aren’t worth dying for
Lockheed Martin’s got their billions,
And they don’t need more!
Boeing and Raytheon, Bechtel, and Koch brothers, too
Reap all the profit, and don’t give a fig about you
Families are hungry//schools don’t have funds that they need
Weapon Makers turn a blind eye
While the coun try bleeds!
Follow the money, it all leads to corporate greed;
The vets and the homeless, when will they get what they need
Big money int’rests dictate our nation’s war plans –
Now’s the time to take back our country
And give folks a helping hand!
People not profit, let’s make our government see,
War steals our treasure, killing cannot make us free;
Follow the money, once you have found where it leads
Raise your voice, get loud and louder
Singing out for peace!

Raging Grannies Anti-Gun Chorus Line
Tune: Ta ra ra boom de ay
Lyrics: Kathy Walsh, Gerri Martini, Sheila Plotkin, RGoM

Verse 1
We’re dear old grannies, as you see
Pillars of society
Here to save humanity
From NRA’s insanity
Chorus (with kicks)
Ta ra ra BOOM de ay (On “BOOM,” right leg kicks to the left)
Let’s stop the NRA (On “stop,” push out left hand)
Let’s pass tough laws today.
Ta ra ra BOOM de ay (On “BOOM,” right leg kicks to the left)
Verse 2
Bullets rip our days apart
Ending lives and breaking hearts
Cities, small towns, schools, and shops
Grannies say it’s got to stop
Chorus (with kicks)
Verse 3
We need federal background checks
Ammo limits must come next
Assault style weapons with a clip
End in slaughter/get a grip!
Chorus (with kicks)
Verse 4
We’re gentle grannies, MAD AS HELL!
We don’t fight but WE CAN YELL!
We won’t be quiet anymore
‘Til we end this shooting war!
Chorus (with kicks)

Tune “Baby Face”
Lyrics by Marjorie Matthews (Madison, WI, Raging Grannies)

Climate Change, We’ve got to slow the rate of climate change
The situation’s one of urgency/ emergency
/With short-sighted thinking/ We’ll see all coastlines sinking
Climate Change, Good science tells us about climate change
We need to cut down use of fossil fuels, Set up new rules
/Fracking gas and oil/ will make the planet boil
Climate Change,
Our kids and grandkids need a healthy place to live
Sustainability requires you and me
To take drastic action now
To slow down climate change
The planet cannot wait for us to change
Depend on energy from wind and sun, it must be done
/To outrun disaster/ we must act fast and faster
Climate Change,
Our kids and grandkids need a healthy place to live.
Sustainability requires you and me
To take drastic action now.

If My Uterus Were a Gun
Written by Lauren Mayer, adapted and used by Raging Grannies with author's permission
Solo: Have you heard the news of late, how Republicans in state after state
Are launching big legislative fights against women 's reproductive rights??
But … if … my … uterus were a gun these guys would leave it alone
They'd say, “oh go have fun, we won't quibble or moan”
They hate all forms of regu la tion 'cept when it comes to pro-cre-ation
Then they'll take away our choices , 'cause they can't hear women's voices!
If … my … cervix were a rifle they would keep their mouths shut
And may be they would stifle saying “the Pill is just for sluts”
When I want to get my eggs lost/ they tell me I should keep my legs crossed!
Ab stinence education// Not the an swer for our na tion
If … my … ovaries were semi-automatic wea pons, all these laws we'd escape
Our birth con trol they step on, while still talk ing a-bout rape
And in the guise of weird knight errant hood/ they try to get rid of Planned
Parent hood
Cause these men are just so damn sure… just ask the right wing in New
Hamp shire, or (1) Texas … or (2) Indiana … or (1) Florida… or (2) Alabama …
or (1) Missouri … or (2) Georgia … (all) or Wisconsin! (with questioning

If … our … va gin as were large-capacity ammu nition clips
Life for women would be a breeze
There would be acc e ss to contra cep tion to pre vent un want ed preg nancies…
To pro tect all fer tilized eggs they've sworn
But the kids are on their own as soon as they're BORN …
But all this debate would be done … If my uterus were only a gun !